A Sunny Weekend Away + Weekly Workouts

Hi there and happy Tuesday! πŸ™‚ I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and were able to enjoy some sunshine at least once over the past three days. I definitely got my fill of the sunshine after traveling home to Easter Washington for the weekend and I’m back to a crazy week of work and moving feeling pretty relaxed and rejuvenated– definitely what I needed before moving this week and wrapping up a huge promotion I’ve been running since Friday at work. But let’s take a step back and review the weekend as usual.

Friday around 3PM, Bart & I began our trek to my parents house. Thinking we would beat the typical 5 o’clock traffic, we stopped on the way to grab a coffee and gas and then headed out of town.


Big mistake… We sat in traffic for a good 2 hours, making our typical 2 and a half hour trip well over 5. By the time we got to my house, we were both beat and starved so after eating dinner with my dad and catching up a little bit, we all hit the hay.

Saturday started off slow, which I needed and loved! I’m usually up fairly early on Saturday’s to hit the gym or get a long run in, but my legs were exhausted and with the funky pain I’ve been battling lately, Coach & I decided a weekend off was a very very good idea. So instead of lacing up my running shoes, I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on my parents’ back patio to soak up some early morning sunshine.


And of course play with Dax because even though he’s a total terror (aka ripping up my dad’s backyard every single day), he’s pretty much adorable.


The rest of Saturday was spent on the golf course with the gang. I’ve learned I have zero patience for the sport, so I’m more of a cart-driver, beverage-drinker, & drop-my-ball-on-the-green-and-putt kind of girl. No shame πŸ™‚


Sunday was spent doing much of the same. My mom & I got a little shopping in, but for the most part, we just lounged in the sunshine and watched some golfers play through while the boys got in another round of 18 holes.


Sunday night was spent celebrating Bart’s birthday with my fam. We ended up grabbing a big cheesecake from Costco & taking him to dinner before kicking it back at home for one final night of relaxation. THE best.

I’m so glad we had an extra day over this weekend because Monday was filled with all of the things I should’ve been doing while on my trip away. I have finally finished packing up my apartment (for the most part) and have gotten a big chunk of cleaning out of the way. Definitely not fun or picture-worthy for a Memorial Day, but it helped to get tons of work out of the way.

And now I’m on to a Tuesday filled with a doctor appointment, tons of work, and a night filled with moving into my new place. So if you don’t hear from me much over the course of this week, you now know why! πŸ™‚

Now onto a quick recap of my week of workouts!

Weekly Workouts


This past week I was back on the elliptical again due to the achy pain in my lower left leg and ankle. I ended up seeing a Chiropractor on Thursday who was a life saver and has finally figured out what may be going on (more to come on that in another post), but this also meant my 10k probably isn’t going to happen. No worries though because I think I finally may be getting closer to running pain-free again and my main goal is to be able to run while in Europe in a few weeks, so there’s still time to get better!

Monday β€” AM 45-mile hilly elliptical workout + Hip-Strength Circuit + PM Rowing Circuit.

Tuesday β€” 45 minutes of RPM + a 15-minute upper body circuit.

Wednesdayβ€” AM– 45-minute elliptical (tempo work)Β + session of hip-strength.

Thursday β€”Β 30-minute easy elliptical + Total Body Strength Circuit.

Fridayβ€” Pure Barre.

Saturdayβ€”Β Off

Sunday– Off

Have a wonderful day!

2 thoughts on “A Sunny Weekend Away + Weekly Workouts

  1. I am so glad you had a relaxed weekend!

    I totally feel you on the ankle! I managed to get achilles tendonitis (after stretching too hard whilst doing yoga – which I did as a low impact option but apparently I should have just run haha) and it’s been driving me nuts as I can’t do anything!

    Here’s hoping your pain is a distant memory by the time you get to Europe! xo


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